C# 11 Features - Static Abstract Members in Interfaces

9 min read ·
Published · 6 months ago
C#C# 11New FeaturesInterfacesStatic Abstract Members

Static abstract members in interfaces is one of in my opinion the coolest and most useful features added to interfaces since I started using C# about 9 years ago. But it seems that almost no one is talking about them.

Other than their use in Generic Math introduced with .NET 7, which seemed to take most of the lime light from this feature, I haven't seen many videos or posts talking about their introduction as a feature. Which is crazy because they've already been so useful to me in this past year since their introduction.

So without further adieu let's talk about Static abstract/virtual members and interfaces!

Cat in the hat saying I'm so excited!

First a quick introduction

Now I've said already twice it's one of my favourite features added in C# 11, but let's go back to the beginning. What exactly does Static Abstract Members in Interfaces mean and how can we use them to write better code?

This feature requires C# 11 on .NET 7 but it can be enabled without .NET 7 if you turn on preview features in .NET 6. Once the feature is enabled you can add static abstract or static virtual members to your interfaces without getting a compiler error. It also allows you to define other methods that are typically static on your interface type such as operators & conversions.

Now on the surface without an explanation of what this enables, it might sound like a boring feature but... I'm here to tell you that this enables some great functionality with interfaces that can make Generic Programming much easier.

Let's start with a basic example, similar to how the feature was introduced in Microsoft's Welcome to C# 11 blog, using it to make math operations generic. Let's start by defining a new function Generic.AddValues<T>(params T[] values):

public static class Generic
  public static T AddValues<T>(params T[] values) where T : INumber<T> =>
    values.Aggregate(T.Zero, (current, value) => current + value);

Above we're defining a function called Generic.AddValues<T>() that takes in an array of parameters of type T usually if you did this without this feature enabled it wouldn't be possible to implement it because T.Zero and the +operator wouldn't be possible to use. Now with Static Members in Interfaces & Generic Math we can add a generic constraint of where T : INumber<T> and it give's us access to a number of static members of T. Most importantly for this example: T.Zero and T.op_Addition (the + operator).

Then we can call it with any type that implements INumber<TSelf> like int or double:

int addedIntValues = Generic.AddValues(10, 20, 30, 40, 50);
Console.WriteLine(addedIntValues); // returns 150
double addedDecimalValues = Generic.AddValues(0.10, 0.25, 0.65, 0.05, 0.20);
Console.WriteLine(addedDecimalValues); // returns 1.25

This is possible because the INumber<T> interface is defined to be something like so and all of the base C# types like; int, decimal, double, short etc implement this interface:

public interface INumber<TSelf>
  where TSelf : INumber<TSelf>
  static abstract TSelf Zero { get; }
  static abstract TResult operator +(TSelf left, TOther right);
  static virtual TResult operator checked +(TSelf left, TOther right) => left + right;

As you can see in the above example it's possible to define static methods as both abstract and virtual, virtual can be used with default implementations of functions that can be overridden. Whereas abstract must be implemented by the type that's implementing INumber<TSelf>.

So now we know what Static Abstract/Virtual Members in Interfaces are, let's continue with some more detailed examples.

Generic Math

Now we've already briefly covered Generic Math but here are a few reasons using generic math can improve your code both in applications and libraries:

  • Utilize Generics where it didn't used to be possible, for example the dotnet team utilized Generic Math to remove near enough 800 lines of code from Enumerable.Min/Max.
  • APIs can support a number of types without writing explicit overloads, with my AddValues example if dotnet added a new type that implemented INumber<TSelf> tomorrow my function would still work without any changes.
  • Further to the last point, this also extends to custom types so if I wrote my own type that implemented INumber<TSelf> then I would be able to call AddValues with my custom type as well and that's pretty cool.

If you want to find out more about Generic Math you can read about it in the dotnet documentation here.

Parsing & Formatting

Another example of where this helps us reduce repeated code is with parsing and formatting. Historically if you wanted to implement a function to parse a string (for example to get an int out of a Claim) then you might need to implement an overload for each type you want to parse. There were options such as Convert.ChangeType but I've never found those to be very clean solutions.

But now with the introduction of Static Abstract Methods we get a few other interfaces supported by the base classes in dotnet. One of these being IParsable<TSelf> which provides us with Parse and TryParse static methods for the passed in generic type like so:

public static class Generic
    public static T ParseValue<T>(string s, T defaultValue) where T : IParsable<T> =>
        T.TryParse(s, null, out var value) ? value : defaultValue;

Now the above example has been simplified quite greatly but you get the idea, you can pass a generic type and parse your string data into it. There is also a ISpanParsable<TSelf> that allows you to parse from a ReadOnlySpan<char> if your into that sort of thing (which I am 😉).

But what about formatting generic values as strings you may be asking? Well that's where the counterpart interface of IFormattable comes in (you could also use ISpanFormattable) which exposes a ToString with a format so that you can format generic values exactly as you want 😎

Again one of the main benefits of this these new types of interfaces is that you can allow any type that implements IParsable<TSelf>/IFormattable as your generic, reducing the amount of code required to support many types including ones you didn't know about at the time of writing which is great for libraries.

Strongly typed construction of Interfaces

One issue I've hit quite often while working on Generic/Extensible Code is constructing instances of types implementing interfaces from generic code. Take for example an interface for a Build Server and an implementing type:

public interface IBuildServer
    bool IsCurrentServer { get; }
public sealed class AzurePipelines : IBuildServer
    private readonly Environment _environment;
    public AzurePipelines(Environment environment) => _environment = environment;
    public bool IsCurrentServer => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD"));

If we want to construct an instance of IBuildServer using a generic method, our only option would be to use Activator.CreateInstance() like so:

public static IBuildServer CreateBuildServer<T>() where T : IBuildServer
    return (IBuildServer?)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new Environment()) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();

While this does work there are a few issues with this approach:

  • What if the implementing type doesn't contain a matching constructor?
  • What if I add a new parameter to the call to Activator.CreateInstance()?
  • While minimal Activator.CreateInstance() does have some overhead when compared to using new().
  • If the interface changes and new parameters are included, you won't get a compile error in consuming interfaces.

So how could we workaround that problem, if only there was a feature that allowed us to define a static method on an interface 🤔 oh wait there is!

Guy tapping his head

The first step to utilizing this is creating an abstract method on our interface that we can use to create a new instance using our intended parameters. We can then implement this method in each type we want to construct:

public interface IBuildServer
    // ...
    static abstract IBuildServer Create(Environment environment, string optionalValue);
public sealed class AzurePipelines : IBuildServer
    public static IBuildServer Create(Environment environment, string _) => new AzurePipelines(environment);
    // ...

Again the main benefit here, it's an enforced contract so any type implementing IBuildServer must implement IBuildServer.Create(Environment environment, string optionalValue). With this in place we can simplify our CreateBuildServer function like so:

    public static IBuildServer CreateBuildServer<T>() where T : IBuildServer =>
        T.Create(new Environment(), "Some string value");

Final thoughts

As I've already said I think this is a great feature, it allows for so much more than I've just listed above. I keep thinking of new places to use this feature to simplify code that simply were not possible before and now hopefully with the release of .NET 8 we might see wider adoption of this great feature.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you did I would greatly appreciate it if you shared it with your friends and colleagues.

Whether you did or you didn't I would love to hear your feedback; what works, what doesn't, did I leave anything out? Unfortunately I haven't implemented comments yet, but my socials are linked in the footer of this page if you wish to contact me.